
Facebook Advertising Services

We will run ads to your store and you'll be profitable in 60 days. If you're not, then you get the next month for free.

Facebook Advertising is one of the holy grails of digital marketing for ANY e-commerce business that wants to scale and grow online in 2022 and beyond.

…But, scaling your Facebook Ads comes with countless challenges – especially after the IOS14 updates.

For business owners, it’s often too complicated to set up correctly, and there are just way too many things to focus on in the Facebook ads manager.

This is why we offer Facebook advertising services to help you overcome these obstacles and grow your brand in 2022, without making costly beginner mistakes.

What Are The Benefits of Facebook Advertising?

There are countless benefits that Facebook advertising can bring to your business. Here are some of the main ones:

Facebook advertising can be an extremely lucrative investment for businesses of all sizes. By partnering with a company that specializes in Facebook advertising, you can ensure that your Facebook advertising campaign is set up correctly and running effectively, maximizing your ROI and bringing in more sales and conversions. Contact us today to learn more about our social media services.

What's Included In The Facebook Advertising Service?

1. Facebook Ads Audience Targeting

There’s no denying that Facebook is one of the most powerful marketing tools available today. And one of the main reasons for its success is its incredibly powerful algorithm

With Facebook ads, you can target people based on their location, age, gender, interests, and even behaviour

This allows you to laser-focus your Facebook ad campaigns and make sure that your ads are being seen by the people who are most likely to convert

If you’re not using Facebook advertising to its full potential, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach your target audience.

2. Facebook Ad Design and Creative Strategy

The design of your ad is just as important as the targeting. 

After all, what’s the point of targeting the right people if your ad doesn’t look good and entice people to click? A well-designed Facebook ad will capture attentionconvey your message, and encourage people to take action.

At Adacted, our team of creative designers can create custom Facebook ads that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

We’ll work with you to come up with a design that reflects your brand, catches the eye of your target audience, and makes them convert

3. Facebook Ad Copywriting

When it comes to Facebook advertising, the ad copy is arguably one of the most important aspects. After all, if your ad doesn’t catch someone’s attention, it’s likely to be ignored. That’s where a good Facebook ad copywriter comes in.

A Facebook ad copywriter can help you create ads that are both eye-catching and effective at driving traffic to your landing page. They know how to write copy that will resonate with your target audience and get them to take action.

If you’re looking for help creating irresistible Facebook ads, contact a professional Facebook ad copywriter today at Adacted.

4. Facebook Ad and Landing Page A/B Testing

A/B testing is a great way to figure out how to improve your website. It basically involves showing two or more different versions of your ad to different groups of people and seeing which one performs better. This can help you identify areas that need improvement so you can make changes that are more likely to result in higher click-through and conversion rates.

We, at Adacted, specialize in A/B testing for Facebook ads and landing pages. We’ll set up your test, monitor the results, and make recommendations on how to improve your Facebook advertising campaign. 

5. Facebook Ad Analytics and Optimization

The only way to determine if you are getting a return on your investment in Facebook advertising is to track the results of your campaigns over time and analyze these results based on your key performance indicators (KPIs).

We know that every dollar counts, which is why we strive to provide the best Facebook ad optimization services around. Our team of experts will help you get more out of your ads with our innovative solutions and insightful strategies for maximizing ROI on advertising spend!

Which Ad formats Do Our Facebook Advertising Services Include?

There are a variety of ad formats that Facebook advertising services can include. Some of the most popular ad formats for eCommerce are:

There are many other types of Facebook advertising formats, each with its own unique benefits.
Talk to us today about which format would be the best fit for your eCommerce brand.

Which Ad formats Do Our Facebook Advertising Services Include?

What Kind of Targeting Options Do We Use For Our Facebook Advertising Services?

One of the great things about Facebook advertising is that you can target your ads specifically to people who are interested in what you have to offer. This means that you can reach a far larger pool of interested customers than with traditional advertising methods.

Location Targeting

Allows you to target ads to people based on their location.

Age and Gender Targeting

Allows you to target ads to specific age groups and genders.

Interest Targeting

Allows you to target ads to people based on their interests and hobbies. For example, if you're selling hiking gear, you could target ads to people who have expressed an interest in hiking, outdoor activities, or your competitor brands.

Behavioural Targeting

Allows you to target ads to people based on their online behavior.

Custom Audiences Targeting

Allows you to create custom audiences of current or past customers for laser targeting specific customers. Custom audience targeting is one of the most powerful targeting options available.

Lookalike Audiences

Allows you to target ads to people who are similar to your current or past customers. LLA is a great way to reach new customers who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

What is The Cost of Facebook Advertising Agency Services

The cost of Facebook advertising services can vary depending on the type of services you need. Generally, though, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per month for advertising services from a Facebook agency.

The cost of Facebook advertising agency services depends on several factors individual to your business, such as the size of your businessbudget, and ad campaign objectives.

In general, there are 4 common ways to price the services of Facebook ads agencies:

Most performance-based marketing firms offer some type of revenue share model, which might be most useful for new or small businesses (including local businesses) that have not reached consistent results yet.

Fixed monthly fees and flat fees are suitable for established businesses or brands that are looking to outsource their marketing efforts or simply scale the business with Facebook ads.

We give out free marketing consultations to show our clients the types of results they can expect while focusing on their company’s specific media goals.

Once we figure out the inner workings of your business (pain points, challenges, etc.), we will create a proposal specifically for you.

What Are Some Best Practices For A Facebook Advertising Campaign?

There are a couple of key things we’ve learned when running Facebook advertising campaigns for eCommerce brands:

Test, test, test, and document your learnings – then build on what you learned.

When optimizing, try to find the strongest leverage point. (CTR, Hook rate, CVR, or others)

Don't forget to test things outside the ad account, such as pricing, offers, and positioning.

What Are Some Best Practices For A Facebook Advertising Campaign?

Step #1: Consultation

We jump on a quick call and discuss your needs, who you are, what are your challenges, and see if we’re a good fit for the project.

Step #2: Account Setup & Creative Research

Within 24 hours of signing the contract, we will send you a Questionnaire and schedule a kickoff call with the team.

Step #3: Kickoff Call & Campaign Development

During the kickoff call, we will build a marketing strategy hand-in-hand by establishing clear goals and objectives.

Step #4: Launch & Management

We will organize a CRO workshop and we will develop a creative strategy. Then, we will draft an ad copy and creative. Upon approval of all assets, targeted ad campaigns will go live. After the account is built and the campaigns are live, we will continuously monitor and optimize campaigns to drive results.

Step #5: Reporting & Analysis

You will receive weekly reports and detailed monthly reports, depending on what we agreed on, that include analysis and recommendations.

Step #6: Optimize & Iterate

As we learn what’s working and what’s not working, we optimize and iterate new ads accordingly. We provide a high volume of creative ads.

When You Use Our Facebook Marketing Services, You Also Get These Advantages:

Commonly Asked Questions About Our Facebook Ad Agency

Do we have to commit to an annual contract?
No you don’t. You can pay us monthly or work with us on a project basis. We don’t require an annual commitment so it’s easy to try out our Facebook advertising service and see what fits best for you!
Who makes the content for social media ads?

We’ve usually seen the best results when the client has an in-house content creator/team. If this is not a possibility, we can help with that too!

Writing Facebook advertising copy is a part of our core services and depending on your budget and needs we can also create images and videos that are designed to convert.

What happens after we sign a contract?
Over the years we’ve developed one of the fastest onboarding processes in the industry, where our client can expect to be onboarded within 48 hours.

After onboarding the client, we assign a dedicated account manager and we begin our research and strategizing process. Once our Facebook account manager figures out which direction your campaign needs to be taken with social media advertising, we’ll send an ad proposal that lets you know how many ads are planned along with any other notes needed before getting started on this exciting new venture together.
How does your communication process work?
Our team’s communication is fast and immediate with Slack.

We use this tool for instant messaging, which means our discussions can happen at any time of day without having to wait on hold with someone else in the office who might not be able to help you right away! We want to make the process of working with us simple and seamless for you. Our communication systems are designed so that we can seamlessly integrate into your company, like a plug-n-play in-house team!
Can we do a pay-per-click campaign?
We are more than happy to help you with your PPC campaign. We have years of experience in managing Google Adwords campaigns for eCommerce brands.
What will the Facebook agency services cost me?

Our services start from 1500€ per month, but the price will be determined by the size of your Facebook ad spend and the specifics of the contract(we can do a fixed fee + % of rev. share). If you’re not sure what your ad spend should be, we can help you figure that out too! We want to be as transparent as possible with our pricing, so you know exactly what you’re getting when you sign up for our service.

Do you offer social media management services?
Currently, no.
What is your minimum ad spend?

We don’t have a minimum ad spend, but we do recommend a budget of at least $10/day. This allows us to test different strategies and find the best way to reach your target audience on Facebook.

How long does it take to see results?

It depends on the goals of your Facebook ad campaigns, but we generally start seeing results within 1 – 2 weeks.

What is included in my digital marketing agency package?
Our Facebook digital marketing services include everything you need to develop an effective Facebook advertising strategy, including Facebook pixel and tracking setup, copywriting for your ads, campaign planning, and analytics.
How long is the Facebook marketing agency contract?
You are not required to sign up for a contract, but we do require that you commit to spending at least $1500 on advertising per month. We will create multiple different ad sets so that you can easily track results without needing to spend more than that.

If you’re ready to get started, please contact us today! We’ll explain your options in detail and explain exactly what our Facebook digital marketing agency can do for you.

Who Is This For?

A business owner who feels as though they are plateauing, and can’t break through the inflection point.

E-Commerce founders who aren’t experiencing a healthy MoM increase year-round (or feel as though they could have a higher MoM growth rate).

Brand owners who are tired of working with marketing agencies that promise the world and deliver very little.

Companies that want to get to $1M – $5M and beyond through conversion optimized sales funnels and high-level paid traffic.

Founders who are seeking to become the industry leader and crush the competition.